Burkina Faso, ranked at 183° out of 189 countries for Human Development Index belongs to a group of low-income countries, with a poverty rate around 44% and limited natural resources.
The economical sector of the country strongly depends on cotton exportation which is vulnerable due to prices fluctuations and climate changes.
Even though in the last years some of the development indicators have shown positive trends, the general condition is still fragile. The availability of professional human resources that can contribute to economic growth of the country is low and it reflects the imbalance between different areas of study (mostly human and social sciences) and labour market needs.
In recent years Burkina Faso is facing an uncertainty period due to different terrorist attacks.

In 2007 Fondazione Edu has supported a two-year scholarship in Law at University of Bobo-Dioulasso, and a three-year scholarship for a post-graduated course in Economics at University of Ouagadougou and Dakar (Senegal). 

The overview from World Bank